A survey conducted by the Morning Consult revealed the top standing position of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who continues to be at the top amidst all world leaders with an approval rating of 76 per cent. According to this US-based consultancy firm’s ‘Global Leader Approval Rating Tracker’, 76 per cent of people in Bharat approve of PM Modi’s leadership while 18 per cent are of the contrary opinion with six per cent not having given any opinion.
The second-best approval rating is enjoyed by Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador with 66 per cent and Switzerland President Alain Berset with 58 per cent.
Prime Minister Modi, in previous surveys too, has topped the global ratings. At the same time, the approval ratings of other big global leaders are at a modest level. US President Joe Biden has a 37 per cent approval rating, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has 31 per cent, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ratings stands at 25 per cent and France President Emmanuel Macron stands at just 24 per cent.
Notably, these ratings come after PM Modi led Bharatiya Janata Party which registered huge victories in three assembly elections in Hindi heartland states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. This is being seen as a huge boost for PM Modi and his party ahead of the general elections slated to be held in 2024.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi recently participated at the Conference of Parties-28 (COP28) Climate Action Summit in UAE. PM Modi said that Bharat is among the few countries which are on course to meet Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) as part of efforts to combat climate change and proposed that the country will host COP33 in 2028.
During his UAE visit, PM Modi noted that climate change has had an immense impact on the countries in the Global South. He underlined that countries in the Global South, including Bharat, have a smaller role to play in climate change but the impact of climate change on them is immense
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