The Delhi government plans to launch a WhatsApp-based bus ticketing system in the national capital on the lines of the Delhi Metro, officials said. They informed that the Transport Department of the city government is working on rolling out the digital ticketing system for DTC and cluster buses.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) already has a WhatsApp-based ticketing system in place. The service was launched in May this year and subsequently extended to all corridors of the rapid transit system, including the Gurugram Rapid Metro.
However, a cap is set to be placed on the number of tickets a user can generate.
For purchasing the Delhi Metro tickets, passengers have to send a message with the text ‘Hi’ to +91 9650855800 on WhatsApp or scan the provided QR code to effortlessly purchase metro tickets using their smartphones across the whole network. Ticket cancellations are not allowed in WhatsApp ticketing. A marginal convenience fee is applied to transactions made via credit or debit card, while no convenience fee is charged for UPI-based transactions.