A honey trap case came to light in the Jodhpur city of Rajasthan on December 10. Police put behind bars two people, including one woman. They face the allegations of forcibly shooting “explicit video” of a man and threatening to make his video “viral” if he failed to make the payment of Rs 1 crore to them, said the officials.
The accused allegedly physically assaulted the victim, an owner of a school, stripped him of all his clothes and made over 25 explicit videos with him on December 7, as informed by the Police.
Anita Bishnoi, the accused, invited the man to her house when he had gone to attend a wedding being held in the woman’s neighbourhood. According to the complaint filed by the victim’s brother. “When he went into her house after attending the wedding, she and her accomplices physically assaulted him, stripped him of all his clothes, made over 25 explicit videos with him and demanded ₹ 1 crore from him in two equal parts,” the complaint said.
The accused, on video, was forcibly made to admit being in love with the woman and had gone there of his own free will, it said. Deputy Commissioner of Police Amrita Duhan said that Bishnoi and one co-accused have been arrested and further investigation has been initiated to identify the rest. Police recovered opium from the Bishnoi’s house during a search, she said.
After shooting videos at Bishnoi’s house, the accused forced the man into a car and drove in Mandore and Kaylana areas, police said. The accused released the victim in the morning, asking him to bring the money soon, they said. Police found during the investigation that the woman had already called her accomplices before inviting the victim to her house, they added.
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