Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani, has opened up about his close relationship with his siblings, Akash and Isha Ambani, just days before his wedding with Radhika Merchant. In an interview, Anant expressed that there’s no competition among them, as he considers his brother and sister as his advisors. Describing himself as their Hanuman, he emphasised his desire to follow their advice throughout his life.
Anant further elaborated on the strong familial bond, asserting that unlike the reported fall-out between his father Mukesh and uncle Anil Ambani, he and his siblings share immense love and support for each other. Referring to Akash as his Ram and Isha as a mother figure, Anant highlighted the protective nature of their relationship, stating that they are inseparable and united like a family bonded by strong adhesive.
Grand Wedding Plans Unfold for Anant Ambani & Radhika Merchant
Preparations are in full swing for the grand wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, set to take place in Gujarat’s Jamnagar. As the city lacks five-star hotels, extravagant arrangements are being made with ultra-luxury tents, ensuring top-notch facilities including tiled bathrooms for the esteemed guests.
Star-Studded Guest List Revealed
The guest list for the extravagant affair includes a constellation of international business leaders, Bharatiya magnates, top cricketers, and Bollywood stars. Notable personalities such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Sachin Tendulkar, and Amitabh Bachchan are among the invited elite, along with several other luminaries from various industries.
Themed Extravaganza Awaited
The three-day-long event promises to be a themed extravaganza, according to the event guide sent to the esteemed invitees. Chartered flights have been arranged to ensure the comfortable arrival and departure of guests, with entertainment lined up from Hollywood pop-icon Rihanna and Bharatiya sensation Diljit Dosanjh, among others.
Anticipation Builds for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant Union
With the wedding bells ringing loud, anticipation builds for the union of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, symbolising not only the coming together of two individuals but the celebration of familial bonds and grandeur. As the date draws near, all eyes are set on the lavish affair, set to be a spectacle of opulence and unity.