Former Miss India Tripura, Rinky Chakma, passed away after bravely battling cancer for two years. She was 28. Despite undergoing surgery, she succumbed to the disease. The Femina Miss India organisation shared a heartfelt statement on social media, mourning her loss and praising her grace and purpose.
“Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family and friends during this difficult time. May her soul find eternal peace. Rinky, your legacy of purpose and beauty will forever be remembered. You will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing you,” the post added.
In an Instagram post last month, Chakma revealed her challenging journey since being diagnosed with cancer two years ago. She initially kept her struggle private but decided to share her health condition with her followers. Chakma disclosed that she was battling malignant phyllodes tumor (breast cancer), which later metastasized to her lungs and brain.
“After all of her family’s savings were exhausted because of the treatment, Rinky Chakma accepted donations. She requested messages instead of calls due to her weakened state from treatments. She asked for prayers and sent love and healing to everyone,” the post stated.
Expressing her determination to fight, Chakma mentioned undergoing chemotherapy with the hope of having brain surgery. Despite enduring regular hospital stays and visits, she remained resilient.
“I just wanted to let everyone know that me and my family is going through a rough time and the last 2 years have also not been easy with regular hospital stays and visits. I thought letting everyone know what I am going through will also make me feel better,” Chakma wrote in her post.