In a moment of immense pride for Arunachal Pradesh, Millo Sunka has clinched the prestigious ‘Best Actress Award’ at the Critics’ Choice Awards, held in Mumbai on Tuesday. Sunka’s stellar performance in the 28-minute short film ‘Nocturnal Burger,’ directed by filmmaker Reema Maya, earned her this esteemed accolade.
The achievement drew applause from Arunachal Chief Minister, who hailed Sunka’s exceptional talent, stating, “Round of applause for the extraordinary Millo Sunka, honoured with the Best Actress award at Critics Choice Awards 2024! Your captivating performance in ‘Nocturnal Burger’ has left us spellbound. Wishing you continued success and countless adventures in the world of cinema.”
Tags: Arunachal ActressBest Actress AwardCritics’ Choice AwardsMillo SunkaNocturnal Burger