Sikkim BJP has revealed a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering girl children in the State, promising financial security and educational opportunities as part of its manifesto for the 2024 State Assembly elections. State incharge Dr Dilip Kumar Jaiswal mentioned the initiative pledges to revolutionise the prospects of young girls in the region.
Under this scheme, BJP commits to depositing Rs 50,000 as a fixed deposit on the day a girl child is born. Furthermore, upon completion of Class 12 examinations, girls will receive scooters and laptops to facilitate their educational and career goals, ensuring their independence and growth.
Dr Jaiswal shed light on the significance of this initiative in empowering women and encouraging self-reliance among girl children. He expressed the party’s commitment to ensuring that every girl can pursue her aspirations without depending on others for support.
This announcement follows extensive deliberations between Dr Jaiswal, DR Thapa, Narendra Kumar Subba, and senior BJP leaders Amit Shah and JP Nadda. The discussions, spanning several hours, focused on devising comprehensive strategies for Sikkim’s progress and development.
Dr Jaiswal assured the public that a detailed blueprint outlining the party’s plans for the upcoming State Assembly elections will be presented within the next 2 to 3 days. Clarity will be provided regarding potential alliances with regional parties or the decision to contest independently, ensuring transparency and accountability in the electoral process.