President Droupadi Murmu met 11 victims of violence, including five women, from West Bengal’s Sandeshkhali, following the recent unrest in the region. The victims sought the President’s intervention to protect the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) community in Sandeshkhali, which has been subjected to alleged injustices and oppression.
During the meeting, Center for SC/ST Support and Research Director Dr Partha Biswas stated the victims presented President Murmu with a memorandum outlining grievances of the SC/ST families in Sandeshkhali and seeking urgent action and assistance to address their circumstances.
Expressing deep sympathy, President Murmu listened to the victims’ accounts and expressed sadness over the situation. The victims recounted their experiences and urged the President to intervene to protect vulnerable families in Sandeshkhali.
In the memorandum, the victims appealed to President Murmu’s esteemed position as the guardian of justice and equality in the nation, emphasizing the crucial role of her guidance and assistance in addressing the issue effectively. They expressed hope that her intervention would bring solace and relief to the oppressed people in Sandeshkhali and serve as a beacon of hope for marginalised communities across Bharat.
Thanking President Murmu for considering their request, the victims eagerly awaited her response and guidance on the matter. The memorandum highlighted the grave allegations against expelled TMC MLA Sheikh Shahjahan and his associates, including coerced land grabs and sexual assaults, which have sparked protests and unrest among the women of Sandeshkhali.
The meeting with President Murmu underscores the urgent need for intervention to address the grievances of the SC/ST community in Sandeshkhali and to ensure justice and equality for all marginalised groups in the region.