During a public rally in Tamil Nadu’s Salem, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was visibly emotional as he recalled late BJP State general secretary V Ramesh, affectionately known as ‘Auditor’ Ramesh, who was tragically murdered in 2013. PM Modi praised Ramesh’s unwavering dedication and commitment to the party, describing him as a tireless worker and an eloquent speaker.
Expressing his heartfelt sentiments, PM Modi stated, “Today I am in Salem, I remember Auditor Ramesh… Aaj Salem ka mera vo Ramesh nahi hai. Ramesh worked day and night for the party. He was a dedicated leader of our party. He was a great orator and a very hardworking man. I pay homage to him.”
V Ramesh, aged 54 at the time, was brutally attacked by an unidentified assailant within the confines of his residence in Salem’s Maravaneri area.
The Prime Minister also paid tribute to former Tamil Nadu BJP president KN Lakshmanan, highlighting his significant role in the anti-emergency movement and his contributions to socio-cultural activities. PM Modi underscored Lakshmanan’s invaluable efforts towards expanding the BJP’s presence in the State and his initiatives in establishing educational institutions.
KN Lakshmanan passed away in June 2020 due to age-related ailments at his residence in Sevvaipettai, Salem.
Reflecting on his government’s endeavors in Tamil Nadu, PM Modi reiterated his commitment to fostering development and prosperity in the State. He enumerated various welfare measures initiated by his administration, ranging from free medical treatments to household tap water connections and the MUDRA Yojana benefiting women.
Confident of garnering support in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, PM Modi asserted that Tamil Nadu would choose the BJP and NDA alliance, expressing optimism that they would secure a significant victory.
As PM Modi addressed the gathering in Salem, he was also felicitated for his leadership and contributions.
Tamil Nadu is set to witness voting on all 39 Lok Sabha seats in Phase 1 on April 19, with the counting of votes scheduled for June 4.