Bharat has launched ‘Operation Indravati’ to evacuate its citizens stranded in Haiti due to the intensifying conflict between armed groups and the government. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar revealed the operation, displaying Bharat’s dedication to safeguarding its nationals overseas. Twelve Indian citizens have been safely airlifted to the neighbouring Dominican Republic, with sincere appreciation extended to the Dominican Government for their cooperation and assistance in the evacuation efforts.
Informing about the news, Jaishankar wrote on a social media post, “Bharat begins Operation Indravati to evacuate its nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic. Twelve Indians evacuated today. Bharat is fully committed to the security and well-being of our nationals abroad. Thank the Dominican Republic Government for their support.
Haiti is subjected to widespread gang violence since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in July 2021. The power vacuum ensuing from Moise’s death led to Prime Minister Ariel Henry assuming control. However, political transitions have faltered, and armed groups have intensified attacks on significant infrastructure, aiming to oust PM Henry. The subsequent violence has obstructed essential services, including healthcare and education, exacerbating an already dire hunger crisis.
The condition in Haiti took a drastic turn lately when gunmen raided the main penitentiary in Port-au-Prince, along with another nearby prison, leading to the escape of multiple inmates and causing casualties. This incident further escalated tensions, highlighting the precarious security environment in the country.
Bharat does not maintain an embassy in Haiti; however, its mission in Santo Domingo, the capital of the neighbouring Dominican Republic, is closely monitoring the situation. Approximately 75 to 90 Indian nationals reside in Haiti, with around 60 of them registering with Indian authorities for potential evacuation. External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal confirmed Bharat’s preparedness to evacuate all citizens in need of assistance.
‘Operation Indravati’ marks Bharat’s concerted effort to ensure the safe return of its citizens from Haiti. The operation involves evacuating Indians to the Dominican Republic, where they can find refuge until the situation stabilises in Haiti. The successful evacuation of 12 individuals represents the initial phase of this operation, with plans in place to assist more stranded citizens in the coming days.
Bharat’s evacuation efforts are bolstered by the support of the Dominican Republic government, which has facilitated the safe passage of evacuated individuals into its territory. This collaboration highlights the importance of international solidarity in times of crisis, as nations come together to safeguard the well-being of vulnerable populations.
As Haiti grapples with escalating violence and instability, Bharat’s ‘Operation Indravati’ serves as a beacon of hope for its citizens stranded in the midst of turmoil. The evacuation underscores Bharat’s unwavering commitment to the safety and welfare of its nationals abroad, while also emphasizing the significance of international cooperation in addressing humanitarian crises. As the situation in Haiti continues to evolve, Bharat remains steadfast in its efforts to support those in need and contribute to the restoration of peace and stability in the region.