Amidst a captivated audience of distinguished film personalities, critics, and cinema enthusiasts, the documentary Fehujali left an indelible mark at the prestigious 7th New Delhi Film Festival 2024. Produced by Assam Director General of Police, the film clinched the coveted award for Best Short Documentary, standing as a powerful cinematic endeavour against extremism and the perilous allure of terrorist ideologies.
Directed by Dr Parthasarathi Mahanta, IPS, and featuring tastefully crafted English subtitles by Dr Jovial Kalita, Fehujali sheds light on Assam’s youth ensnared by the deceitful propaganda of extremist groups. The film delves into the coercive recruitment tactics employed by these organisations, showcasing the depths of disillusionment faced by the region’s youth.
Speaking on the film’s significance, Assam DGP IPS GP Singh highlighted its role in uncovering the harsh realities confronting disillusioned youths. He stated, “We have witnessed young people falling prey to terrorist organisations, lured by false promises. ‘Fehujali’ aims to unearth these truths with cautionary tales, preventing the repetition of past mistakes.”
Director Dr Mahanta elaborated on the narrative, describing Fehujali as a journey of self-realisation for the youth. The film portrays their awakening to the futility of their misguided missions and the shattered dreams upon their return home.
Through its innovative storytelling, Fehujali serves as a cautionary tale, urging youth to resist the allure of extremism and embrace a path of purpose and righteousness.
Following its screening, Fehujali garnered widespread acclaim and appreciation from audiences and critics alike. Its positive reception underscores its status as a pioneering cinematic achievement and an effective medium for promoting awareness and inciting change.
Fehujali resonates with viewers, offering a message of resilience, redemption, and the triumph of the human spirit. Its impact transcends the screen, inspiring hope and fostering dialogue on pressing societal issues.