Renowned filmmaker Prashant Varma, celebrated for the success of ‘HanuMan’, recently teased fans with news of its sequel, ‘Jai Hanuman’. Named Jai Hanuman, the declaration came on April 23, strategically chosen to coincide with Hanuman Jayanti, a festival celebrating Lord Hanuman. Building on the excitement, on the festive occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, the team unveiled the first poster of the highly anticipated sequel.
Marking the auspicious Hanuman Janmotsav, Prashant Varma shared the inaugural poster of ‘Jai Hanuman’ on his Instagram, hinting at an epic adventure ahead. The caption resonated with the spirit of the occasion, invoking Lord Hanuman’s valor against adversity. Promising an immersive experience, the poster revealed plans for an IMAX 3D presentation, heightening anticipation for the sequel.
Tags: Hanuman JayantiJai HanumanMovie Poster First LookPrashant Varma