Gurucharan Singh, renowned for his portrayal of Roshan Singh Sodhi in the beloved sitcom Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has been absent for six days, prompting growing concerns from his family and fans alike. His father has lodged a report of suspected kidnapping with the authorities, prompting an intensive search effort involving multiple police teams to locate the 50-year-old actor.
Sources close to the investigation disclosed that Singh was on the brink of marriage but had been grappling with significant financial woes in recent times. It has been revealed that the actor withdrew Rs 7,000 from an ATM in Delhi before his disappearance. His last known location was pinpointed in Palam, just a few kilometers from his residence, on April 24, the day his phone went offline.
According to officials, Singh’s father stated in his complaint that his son was scheduled to fly from Delhi to Mumbai on April 22. However, he never arrived at his intended destination. Surveillance footage from a traffic intersection in Palam depicts Singh crossing a road with a backpack at approximately 9:14 pm, a significant deviation from his flight schedule.
Authorities are meticulously examining security camera footage in the vicinity of Singh’s home to trace his movements leading up to his departure for Delhi airport, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding his mysterious disappearance.