The National Film Development Corporation or NFDC has handpicked the multilingual gem Sangi Gai, directed by Nyago Ete and produced by Allison Welly Bakha, for screening at the prestigious Marche du Film (Film Market) during the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in France, scheduled from May 14h to 25.
Bakha, upon hearing the news, expressed her elation, stating, “I was elated when the director of the film, Nyago Ete, and my creative producer, my husband Halli Welly Bakha, shared this news with me today. I was also surprised as to how it happened.”
Arunachal Chief Minister Pema Khandu shared his delight on social media, stating, “I’m so happy to learn that NFDC India has selected Arunachali film Sangi Gai to be showcased at Marché du Film during Cannes Film Festival 2024 in France. It is a moment of great pride for us. Kudos to Producer Alison Welly Bakha, Creative Producer Hali Welly and Director Nyago Ete for bringing rare laurels to the State. Best wishes!”
Tags: Arunachali FilmCannes Film FestivalMarche du FilmSangi Gai