Sikkim is set to etch its name in the cinematic history with the highly anticipated debut of Tara: The Lost Star at the prestigious Cannes International Film Festival 2024. Directed by the talented Samten Bhutia and produced by Sabitri Chettri under the banner of SaDa Productions, in collaboration with Passang Mintok Films, this marks a monumental moment for the region.
Tara: The Lost Star promises a captivating narrative, story woven in Nepali language, offering viewers a poignant glimpse into the rich tradition of Himalayan beliefs and the vibrant culture of Sikkim. This social drama stars the acclaimed duo, Shyama Shree Sherpa and Kiran Dahal, supported by a stellar ensemble cast including Deoraj Sherpa, Loonibha Tuladhar, Shashikala Pradhan, Sushmita Bhujel, Basant Sharma, Anand Gurung, and Timothy Rai.
The film’s selection for a market screening at the Marché Du Film, Cannes de Festival2024 serves as a testament to the rising acclaim of regional cinema on the global stage.
This milestone not only celebrates the immense talent and perseverance of Himalayan artists but also signifies a significant leap forward for Sikkim’s burgeoning film industry. As anticipation mounts for its Cannes debut, Tara: The Lost Star is set to illuminate the silver screen and cast a radiant spotlight on the cinematic treasures of Sikkim.