Prabha Rai, a distinguished resident of Assangthang in Sikkim’s Namchi, has been awarded the Chiya Kavita Puraskar 2024 on World Tea Day. The prestigious award, presented by the Chiya Kavita Group on May 22, recognises her significant contributions to literature and education.
Prabha Rai has long been dedicated to encouraging a love for reading and promoting educational initiatives. Her efforts to instil reading habits among children led to the establishment of a library at her residence in Assangthang’s Dumi Gaon. This initiative is part of her broader mission to support the development of language and literature, arts, folk traditions, and reading habits.
In 2019, Rai founded the DG Reading Room Resource and Education Foundation, further cementing her commitment to these causes. The foundation has been instrumental in promoting educational activities and cultural preservation in the region.
The Chiya Kavita Puraskar 2024 honours Prabha Rai’s invaluable service and her lasting impact on the fields of art and literature.