Amidst the relentless rainfall that has been wreaking havoc across Manipur, Chief Minister N Biren Singh conducted an urgent inspection of the historic Kangla Fort after floodwaters breached its perimeter. With the site of immense cultural and historical significance now threatened, the government is mobilising all available resources to safeguard it.
CM Biren emphasised the importance of protecting Kangla, not only as a heritage site but also as a symbol of Manipur’s identity. “Necessary measures are underway to protect the site,” he assured during his visit.
In response to the emergency, State security forces, officials from the Water Resources department and volunteers have joined forces to tackle the flooding at Kangla. Teams have been working around the clock to reinforce barriers, pump out excess water, and ensure that the structural integrity of the fort remains intact.
“We are deploying all necessary resources and personnel to manage this situation,” CM Biren Singh stated. “I urge everyone to remain calm and not to panic. We are taking all possible steps to mitigate the impact and protect our heritage.”
The collective efforts have been swift and coordinated. Security personnel have been stationed at critical points to monitor water levels and direct traffic away from flooded areas. Meanwhile, water resources officials are employing heavy machinery to strengthen embankments and divert floodwaters.
Besides, CM Biren announced via a social media post that one gate of the Ethai Barrage has been opened by 30 cm as a precautionary measure amidst continuous heavy rainfall in the region. The decision, taken in consultation with the Water Resources Department and the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation, aims to manage the increasing water levels and prevent potential flooding.
In his post, CM Singh assured the public that the situation is being closely monitored. “We are closely monitoring the situation, and any further openings will be done in consultation with the Water Resources Department and the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation. Our official teams are working tirelessly around the clock to manage this situation effectively and ensure the safety of the people,” he wrote.