JD(S) suspended MP Prajwal Revanna, arrested at Bengaluru Airport in connection with an obscene video case, is set to undergo a medical examination before being presented in court. Revanna was detained by the Special Investigation Team-SIT upon his arrival from Berlin in Germany and brought to the CID office in Bengaluru.
Revanna faces allegations of sexual harassment and criminal intimidation following a complaint from a former household worker. The SIT confiscated his luggage and heightened security measures at the CID office ahead of his arrival.
In a self-made video released on May 27, Revanna stated his intention to cooperate with the SIT, alleging a political conspiracy against him due to his rising political profile. He noted that his trip abroad was pre-planned and occurred before any case was filed against him.
Revanna’s anticipatory bail plea, filed on May 29, remains pending. This plea came shortly after the SIT arrested Naveen Gowda and Chetan, accused of distributing pen drives containing videos of Revanna’s alleged misconduct. Both were detained when seeking anticipatory bail at the High Court.
Additionally, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has taken steps to revoke Revanna’s diplomatic passport. MEA Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal confirmed that a show cause notice was issued on May 23, giving Revanna 10 days to respond. The MEA awaits his response to proceed with the revocation process under the Passport Act of 1967.