Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated International Yoga Day in Srinagar, often referred to as the “land of sadhna,” on Friday. During the event in Jammu and Kashmir’s capital, PM Modi accentuated the global significance of yoga, stating it helps practitioners realise that “our welfare is related to the welfare of the world around us.”
He noted the substantial increase in yoga practitioners over the past decade and highlighted the “yoga economy” that has generated employment in Bharat.
The United Nations declared June 21st as International Yoga Day in 2014, following a proposal by PM Modi.
“I extend greetings to the people of the country and those performing yoga in every corner of the world on Yoga Day. International Yoga Day has completed a historic journey of 10 years. In 2014, I proposed International Yoga Day at the United Nations, supported by 177 nations – a record in itself. Since then, Yoga Day has been creating new milestones,” he stated.
Expressing his connection to Srinagar, PM Modi remarked, “I have the opportunity to visit the land of ‘yoga’ and ‘sadhna’. In Srinagar, we can feel the ‘shakti’ that yoga imparts. I extend my wishes on the occasion of Yoga Day from Kashmir to those practicing yoga across Bharat and the world,” said PM Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Srinagar.
The PM pointed out that the global spread of yoga has boosted yoga tourism in Bharat.
“In the last 10 years, the expansion of yoga has transformed perceptions. Today, the world is witnessing a new ‘yoga economy’. In Bharat, from Rishikesh and Kashi to Kerala, a new wave of yoga tourism is evident. Tourists from around the world come to Bharat to learn authentic yoga. People are even hiring personal yoga trainers for their fitness. These trends have created new employment opportunities for the youth,” he added.
PM Modi noted the increasing global interest in yoga since the adoption of International Yoga Day.
“Interest in yoga is continuously rising. Wherever I go and whomever I meet, global leaders express curiosity about yoga. It is becoming a part of daily life,” he said.
PM Modi asserted that yoga enhances strength, health, and overall wellness. He urged everyone to incorporate the ancient system dedicated to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being into their daily lives.
“This year, a 101-year-old yoga teacher from France received the Padma Shri. Though she had never visited Bharat, she dedicated her life to promoting yoga. Today, prestigious universities and institutions worldwide are conducting research on yoga and publishing papers,” he added.