The Government Railway Police or GRP apprehended five individuals attempting to enter Bharat illegally at Agartala railway station in Tripura in a late-night operation on June 25. The group included four Bangladeshi women and one male Indian tout.
Authorities identified the Bangladeshi nationals as Meem Sultana (23), Rubaiya Sultana alias Asha (20), Ritu Begam (28), and Jyoti Khatun (20). They were reportedly seeking employment opportunities in Indian cities such as Ahmedabad and Pune and lacked the necessary documentation for travel within Bharat.
The Indian tout, Md Kashem Miah (24) from Sepahijala district in Tripura, is suspected of facilitating their illegal entry.
A case has been registered at the Agartala GRP Police Station, and all five individuals are expected to be presented before the court today.