Tamil Nadu’s BJP president K Annamalai has initiated a criminal defamation case against Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam’s RS Bharathi. This action follows allegations by Bharathi linking Annamalai to the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy, citing methanol sourcing from Puducherry, governed by the NDA.
After filing the case at Chennai’s Saidapet court, Annamalai expressed distress over Bharathi’s statements, which he claimed falsely accused him of complicity in the tragedy. Annamalai asserted despite his position, this was the first defamation case he had filed in three years.
Annamalai has demanded ₹1 crore in compensation, pledging that the amount, if awarded, would be used to support those affected by the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy by establishing an alcohol de-addiction centre in the region.
In response, Bharathi clarified he had previously responded to a legal notice from Annamalai, maintaining that he had merely raised suspicions rather than made direct accusations. He linked the tragedy to methanol allegedly sourced from Puducherry, prompting scrutiny.
The Kallakurichi hooch tragedy, which claimed 65 lives on June 19, has ignited political controversy, with Opposition parties like AIADMK and BJP criticising the DMK Government’s handling of the incident and the overall law and order situation. Annamalai had earlier called for the resignation of the State’s Prohibition Minister S Muthusamy.
During a press meet on June 23, Bharathi had speculated about BJP’s involvement in the tragedy, citing the origin of methanol and alleging a conspiracy to tarnish the DMK Government’s image. He further linked this to electoral motives surrounding the Vikravandi bypoll.
The Vikravandi Assembly constituency bypoll, a significant political event, occurred recently amid heightened scrutiny and public debate following the Kallakurichi incident.