The Assamese film ‘The Last Honour’ has transcended national boundaries, earning international acclaim and numerous awards. Directed by Rosy Bora in her debut, the film is based on a true story by Jitumoni Bora, depicting the heroic efforts of a Chandal during the Covid pandemic in Guwahati.
Rosy Bora was awarded Best Director at the Himachal International Film Festival, where the film was met with enthusiastic reviews. Produced by Mrinal Bin Qutub under Jeuti Production, ‘The Last Honour’ has been selected for over 15 film festivals worldwide, winning multiple honors, including Best Film.
At the Dhaka International Film Festival, the film’s producer Mrinal Bin Qutub, director Rosy Bora, and scriptwriter Kushal Gogoi received special recognition. The film also captivated over 250 spectators at the London Rainbow Film Festival, where Rosy Bora earned the Second Best Director award at a festival in Turkey. The film was also showcased in Germany.
‘The Last Honour’ tells the inspiring story of a selfless Chandal, who cremated over 1,700 Covid victims, highlighting his unnoticed sacrifices. The film features Prayash Phukan, Jina Baishya, Rajib Kro, and Progyashree Hazarika, with music by Sourav Mahanta, editing by Ratan Sil Sarma, and cinematography by Chandra Kumar Das. Kushal Gogoi served as scriptwriter and chief assistant director.