The Telangana Government unveiled a substantial budget of Rs 2.91 lakh crore for the fiscal year 2024-25, which includes Rs 2.21 lakh crore in revenue and Rs 33,487 crore in capital expenditures.
Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, who is also responsible for the Finance portfolio, presented the budget in the Assembly. The budget outlines an estimated total revenue of Rs 2,90,814 crore, incorporating over Rs 57,000 crore from Open Market Loans.
Key allocations in the budget include Rs 72,659 crore for agriculture, Rs 21,292 crore for the education sector, and Rs 22,301 crore for irrigation projects. Additionally, Rs 29,816 crore has been earmarked for Panchayath Raj and Rural Development initiatives.
Vikramarka noted that Telangana’s debt has surged to Rs 6.71 lakh crore, highlighting a tenfold increase over the past decade without corresponding development. Under the current Congress-led administration, the State has incurred Rs 35,118 crore in new debt while repaying Rs 42,892 crore in both principal and interest.