West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee demanded the dissolution of NITI Aayog, the central think tank established by the Narendra Modi-led NDA government in 2015, and called for the reinstatement of the Planning Commission, which was responsible for creating Five-Year Plans.
“Stop this NITI Aayog. It merely holds meetings without delivering results. We need the Planning Commission back,” Banerjee stated in the capital, just a day before she is scheduled to attend a NITI Aayog meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
When questioned about her decision to attend the meeting despite a boycott by some of her alliance partners, Banerjee explained, “There was no need for me to attend, and I had initially cancelled my program due to their budget. However, Abhishek and others persuaded me to go, and I also discussed it with Hemant (Soren), who is attending as well.”
Banerjee criticised the lack of coordination among States, asserting her belief in federalism and accusing the BJP of attempting to fragment the country. She referred to Union Minister Sukanta Majumdar’s recent proposal to integrate northern West Bengal with the Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region (DoNER) for increased development funds.
“If the BJP chooses to ignore the people’s verdict, that’s their decision. Opposition-ruled States are being neglected. They may allocate special packages to their allies, but they cannot deprive others,” she added.
Banerjee also cast doubt on the longevity of the NDA Government, stating, “I am uncertain about how long they will remain in power, but they should serve the people as long as they are in office.”
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, and the Aam Aadmi Party-led governments in Punjab and Delhi have also announced their intention to boycott the meeting.