Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar has directed all departments to suspend payments to contractors involved in drain desilting until a third-party audit of the work is completed. This action follows a tragic incident on July 27, where three civil service aspirants — Shreya Yadav, Tanya Soni, and Nevin Dalvin — lost their lives when water from a flooded drain inundated the basement library of Rau’s IAS Study Circle in Old Rajinder Nagar.
In response to a directive from Delhi Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, Kumar has requested a detailed report from the additional chief secretary (urban development) concerning the third-party audit of drain desilting by various agencies. The audit was mandated by the Urban Development Department on May 27 following a high court order.
Kumar’s directive to withhold payments comes after Bharadwaj’s note questioning the delays in decisions about the city’s drainage system. On Tuesday, the Delhi High Court ordered that all obstructions from drains in Old Rajinder Nagar be cleared by Friday. The court emphasised the need for accountability and indicated that if the investigation is not sufficiently resolved, it may be transferred to a central agency such as the CBI or Lokpal.
Additionally, five individuals have been arrested in connection with the incident, including four co-owners of the basement where the coaching centre was located. Among those arrested was an SUV driver whose vehicle contributed to the flooding. The SUV has also been seized.