In a devastating incident, nine kanwariyas were electrocuted after their vehicle touched a high-tension power line in the Sultanpur area of Bihar’s Hajipur district on the night of Sunday.
The tragedy occurred as a group of kanwariyas traveled in a mini truck to perform rituals at the Hariharnath Temple. Their vehicle inadvertently came into contact with a live high-tension wire, resulting in the deaths of eight boys on board and causing injuries to others during the subsequent chaos.
Local boys customarily visit the Hariharnath Temple every Monday during the month of Sawan to perform their rituals. This particular trip ended in tragedy when their vehicle struck the power line.
Upon receiving the news, numerous police personnel and the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) rushed to the site.
Local resident Dharmendra Kumar Paswan blamed the electricity department for the incident, stating, “Despite repeated calls, they did not answer the phone or take immediate action. As a result, eight people are dead, and there was no prompt response from the electricity department.”
An official provided further details, explaining, “The devotees were on their way to Baba Dham with a DJ trolley when it came into contact with an 11,000-volt wire, resulting in the death of eight people.”