Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma presented the prestigious Lok Sewa Puraskar 2024 to Monuj Kumar Deuri on August 5 in Guwahati, recognising his exceptional professionalism and dedicated service.
Monuj Kumar is the Assam Police Deuri Headquarters’ Senior Assistant and was acknowledged for his outstanding contributions to the police force and his involvement in key initiatives such as the Sishu Mitra programme.
Deuri began his career with Assam Police in July 2006 as a Lower Division Assistant. He has been serving at the Police Headquarters since 2012. His notable work includes his role in the Sishu Mitra programme, a pioneering effort in child-friendly policing, as well as his significant contributions to the grievance redressal cell and support for the families of Assam Police martyrs.
Assam Director General of Police GP Singh praised Deuri’s accomplishments on social media, commending him for the recognition he has received. The Lok Sewa Puraskar is awarded annually to individuals who demonstrate outstanding public service in the State of Assam.