South superstar Jr NTR and Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor will be seen together for the first time in a big-budget film titled Devara. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding this film, with hashtags related to it trending on social media from time to time. The film has generated significant interest, and now, a romantic song from the movie has been released. However, it has faced heavy criticism on social media.
The song, titled Dheere Dheere, features the romantic pairing of Janhvi and NTR. Despite the romance in the video, the song has been heavily trolled. Composed by Anirudh Ravichander, the track has led people to question the quality of his music. It is being referred to as a ‘copy song’ on social media.
Reactions to the Song
You might be familiar with Sri Lankan singer Yohani’s song Manike Mage Hithe, which went viral in Bharat. This song made Yohani an internet sensation. On the social media platform X, a user shared Yohani’s song and tagged Anirudh, writing, “Yes, repeat mode is now on.”
Another user shared the song and tagged Anirudh, saying, “Copy level, what is this?” while a third user commented, “The beat of the song from Devara is similar to Manike Mage Hithe.”
Why is the Song Being Trolled?
If you listen to the song from Devara, you might find the social media users’ comments accurate. The song indeed gives off ‘disaster vibes’ as the lyrics don’t match well with the music. It feels as if the lyrics were just written recently.
Famous choreographer Bosco Martis was in charge of the choreography, but his effort is not evident in this track. Even a brief listen of 15 seconds could lead you to realise that this song resembles Yohani’s track.
The anticipated atmosphere around the film isn’t reflected in this song. This is the second song from Devara; the first one, titled Bhay Sang, was well-received and featured the film’s theme. Besides NTR and Janhvi, Saif Ali Khan also stars in the film in a negative role. Devara is scheduled to release in theatres on September 27.