In a distressing turn of events, the residence of renowned Bangladeshi folk singer Rahul Ananda in Dhaka has been vandalised, looted, and set ablaze. This attack on Ananda’s home coincides with a surge in violence targeting Hindu minorities amidst ongoing student protests in Bangladesh. Ananda, his wife, and their teenage son were forced to flee the scene to escape the violence, according to The Daily Star.
Rahul Ananda, the lead vocalist of the popular folk band Joler Gaan, resided in a historic 140-year-old house that was a cultural landmark and a stop on French President Emmanuel Macron’s tour of Bangladesh in September 2023. The property, a rental and not owned by Ananda, was frequented by the music community for various events throughout the year.
Saiful Ismal Jarnal, a founding member of Joler Gaan, confirmed that Ananda and his family sought refuge in an undisclosed location following the attack. The house, which housed Ananda’s extensive collection of over 3,000 custom-designed musical instruments, was severely damaged. The attackers broke through the main gate, looted the property, and then set it on fire, destroying the instruments and other belongings, a close family source reported.
The escalation of violence against Hindu minorities has intensified since former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s resignation and her subsequent departure from Bangladesh. Hasina is reportedly in hiding in Bharat after arriving at the Hindon airbase near New Delhi.
In response to the tragedy, Joler Gaan shared a song on their official Facebook page, dedicated to “love, peace, and solidarity,” marking it as the final recording made in the now-destroyed house. The band’s post lamented the loss of their creative sanctuary and highlighted the unity music brought amidst the chaos.
A video posted by Meghbalika, an all-women’s band from Tripura, showcased their interaction with Ananda, revealing his deep connection to the house, which he had come to regard as a family home.
The unrest in Bangladesh has seen increasing attacks on Hindu properties and businesses, with recent violence including the killing of two Hindu councillors. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has expressed concern and affirmed that Bharat is closely monitoring the situation affecting minorities in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh’s Jamat-E-Islami has acknowledged the ongoing attacks on religious sites and called for restraint, asserting every citizen of Bangladesh, regardless of religion or caste, deserves equal rights.