All Indian visa application centres in Bangladesh have been closed indefinitely following the resignation of Sheikh Hasina as the Prime Minister amid ongoing unrest in the country. The online visa application portal now displays a message stating, “All IVACs will remain closed till further notice, due to unstable situation. Next application date will be informed through SMS and it is requested to pick up the passport on the next working day.”
This closure follows New Delhi’s decision to evacuate non-essential staff and their families from the High Commission and consulates in Bangladesh due to the volatile situation. Despite this, Indian diplomats remain in the country, and the missions continue to function, according to government sources.
Bharat’s diplomatic presence in Bangladesh includes a high commission in Dhaka and consulates in Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, and Sylhet.
The resignation of Sheikh Hasina, triggered by massive protests against her Awami League Government, has led to her seeking refuge in Bharat. An interim government, supported by the Army and led by Nobel peace prize winner and Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus, is being formed.
Addressing the Parliament, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar stated that nearly 19,000 Indian nationals reside in Bangladesh, including 9,000 students. Many students have returned to Bharat following the outbreak of protests. The government remains in close contact with the Indian community and is monitoring the situation, particularly concerning minorities living in Bangladesh.