Kiran Rao’s film Laapataa Ladies is set to be screened at the Supreme Court of India on August 9. The event, scheduled from 4:15 pm to 6:20 pm in the Auditorium, C-Block, Administrative Building Complex, is part of the celebrations marking the court’s seventy-fifth anniversary.
Director Kiran Rao and producer Aamir Khan will be present at the screening and will participate in a post-film interaction with the audience. The Chief Justice of India and other judges, along with their spouses, will also attend the event.
The film, which focuses on gender equality, has garnered praise since its release and has continued to achieve success on Netflix. Laapataa Ladies features a strong cast including Nitashi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Ravi Kishan, Chhaya Kadam, and Geeta Aggarwal Sharma.