Avantika Verma, a 7-year-old resident of Aryanagar in Haryana’s Hisar district, has achieved another remarkable milestone. Just a year after entering the India Book of Records 2023 for naming all 28 States of Bharat and their current chief ministers in 44 seconds and 63 milliseconds using a boundary map, Avantika has now made history again. This time, she identified the names of currencies from 42 countries in just 30 seconds while blindfolded, earning her name in the Asia Book of Records 2024.
Avantika Verma’s family is immensely proud of her double achievement over the past two years. They are receiving congratulations from all corners. Avantika’s father, Pradeep Kumar Verma, who works with a reputed company in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, and her mother, Neelam Verma, a homemaker, expressed their pride in their daughter’s historic success.
Pradeep noted that children often struggle with reading, writing, and even basic learning at the age of 6. He mentioned that it is usually a challenging time for parents to teach their children effectively.
However, Avantika’s remarkable talent has been a blessing. He recalled that Avantika had seen similar achievements at a seminar in Bhiwadi about two years ago, which inspired her to pursue success relentlessly.
The entire family, especially Avantika’s grandfather Shankar Lal Verma, has continuously encouraged her to excel.
Neelam Verma, Avantika’s mother, expressed her complete trust in Avantika’s abilities. With the encouragement she received, Avantika did not waste any opportunity and achieved her goal by naming the currencies of 42 countries in just 30 seconds while blindfolded, cementing her place in the annals of history.