Sikkim Rajya Sabha MP DT Lepcha has commended Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s unwavering dedication to the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST). Following a fruitful meeting with the PM, Lepcha expressed his appreciation on Facebook, asserting on the collaborative efforts of SC/ST MPs to address the challenges facing these communities.
The meeting provided a platform for Lepcha and his fellow MPs to discuss the critical issues and potential opportunities for the upliftment of SC/ST communities. PM Modi reaffirmed his commitment to empowering these marginalised groups, ensuring that the government’s focus remains on improving their socio-economic conditions.
Lepcha expressed optimism that the joint efforts of the government and MPs would lead to meaningful progress. He highlighted the shared goal of ensuring equitable access to opportunities and resources for all members of the SC/ST communities, reinforcing the commitment to creating a more inclusive society.