Delhi’s former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia celebrated his release from jail with a heartfelt social media post on the morning of Saturday. The selfie, featuring Sisodia enjoying tea with his wife, Seema Sisodia, marks his first morning after being granted bail in the Delhi liquor policy case.
The Supreme Court granted Sisodia bail on August 10, after he had spent 17 months in Tihar Jail. The emotional photo was shared on X, where Sisodia wrote in Hindi, “First morning tea of freedom… after 17 months! The freedom granted to us by the Constitution as a right to live and the freedom from God to breathe freely among everyone.”
Sisodia was released from Tihar Jail around 6:45 pm on August 9. Reflecting on his bail, he credited the Constitution for his release and expressed hope that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, also imprisoned in the excise policy case, would soon benefit from this same power.
Upon his release, Sisodia was greeted by AAP leaders Atishi, Sanjay Singh, and Durgesh Pathak, who braved the rain to welcome him outside Tihar Jail.
Sisodia expressed his gratitude to the Supreme Court. Following his release, Sisodia visited Arvind Kejriwal’s residence, meeting his wife Sunita Kejriwal and other family members. He was seen embracing Kejriwal’s family and touching the feet of his parents.
Around 9:30 pm, Sisodia arrived at his previous official residence on Mathura Road, which is currently occupied by Minister Atishi, where his family still resides.
In granting bail, the Supreme Court Bench of Justices BR Gavai and KV Viswanathan noted, “Prolonged incarceration before being pronounced guilty should not be permitted to become a punishment without trial.”